"The best lack all conviction
and the worst are full of passionate intensity"

W.B Yeats - The Second Coming

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Back playing hide and seek in the Library of Alexandria

The Blog That Never Sleeps is returning from a cogitating hiatus. This blog has been pondering the meaning of the sub-prime lending crisis, the US Presidential primaries, rain, Electricity Privatisation, Kevin Rudd, the Job Network and how and why Liberal Democracy died. That Liberal Democracy is dead is certain. It's just that nobody has told it yet. Those eponymous images of planes flying into the twin-towers will be as much an exclamation mark in history as Archduke Ferdinand getting his face blown off in Sarajevo or William the Bastard taking to the field at Hastings in 1066. Of this we can be certain. But even at those times I doubt most people understood the significance until the dust had fully settled, usually decades, or a generation, after. But Liberal Democracy is as dead as my grandfathers dog, leaving us swimming in a septic tank full of hubris that borrows the words and clichés of the democratic process, and liberalism, but leaves us a reality more akin to soviet Russia, medieval Europe or Pinochet's Chile. Luckily The Blog That Never Sleeps can make sense of all this, and maybe even name this new world order that looks like Hollywood, smells like a dead man and sounds like fingernails down a blackboard. Here's luck!

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