"The best lack all conviction
and the worst are full of passionate intensity"

W.B Yeats - The Second Coming

Friday, April 30, 2010

Julia Gillard is to the left…of Attila the Hun

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Great piece at En Passant

Spot on this stuff. Gillard, like her factional soul mate Mar'n Ferguson, act solely in the interests of the big end of town and devil take the hindmost. They would do the H.R. Nicholls Society proud. Ferguson was in the Sydney Morning Herald saying we needed more immigration or, shock horror, wages might go up! Can't have that old chap, think of what it would do with dividends! Send a bad signal to the market and all that.

The structural problem is the luvvies in the union movement share Gillard's understanding the reality for most Australians, i.e. none. Most union officials and Julia have never had a real job in their lives (and no, being a lawyer is not a real job). Gillard's laws slash take home pay for aged care and hospitality staff (real jobs) - the ACTU's response? They run a campaign against Tony Abbott. Cde Burrow is about to swan off to Brussels and is so star struck by Gillard that the union movement has reverted to type: acting like a beaten dog that keeps coming back for more treatment from its "master", in this case the ALP. 

Meanwhile the rest of us that live in the real world are left to our own devices in order to survive.

Electoral politics is a joke. We live in a corporate and technocratic totalitarianism that is so seamless that most people cannot even think outside it. Orwell would marvel at how cleverly it all works to enrich so few.

And it will continue to be such, especially when most media commentary is such a craven repetition of the status quo see Kohler, Grattan, Oakes, et al - useless, the lot of them). 

My advice? Take to strong drink.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My advice? The Greens should, you know, maybe, start putting themselves, kinda, like, out there.

Look what's happening in Britain - a lot of people are sick of this shit.