"We should drink enough water so that our urine is not yellow and smelly. This will save us great amounts of money and we will not have to flush the toilet so much." - Elbert Eugene Spriggs, founder of The Twelve Tribes, Brazil 10/19/92
In fact the group is The Twelve Tribes The Commonwealth Of Israel, a messianic cult.
On their website they proclaim that living in the Blue Mountains allows them to hear the voice of creation - which apparently sounds something like a hammerdrill, with these bananas out since sparrow's fart wielding one for the last week, punching bricks off the front of their 'shop'.
The hammerdrill is such a soothing sound. It promotes calmness and concentration. It is like meditating whilst having your temples sliced off with a rusty razor blade.
It could be karmic - hell, I've never been in the running for neighbour of the year - but it's not just my discomfiture that is causing me concern here.
Rather it is the very nature of the groupthink over the road.
They moved in about five years ago, buying up a dilapidated building in the middle of Katoomba. One of those pre-war brick edifices that takes advantage of the sloping terrain to create three stories where there should be two.
The group themselves is populated by about half a dozen or so bearded chaps who seem to spend their entire day beating swords into ploughshares. They have turned their back on society (well, that part of society that involves engaging with the community - they seem to be very happy with that part of society that uses power tools and spends money on their organic mush - more on that later), and appear to believe that God is some kind of DIY handyman - a sort of cross between Charlie Manson and Backyard Blitz - which isn't far from the truth, as the cult was founded by a former carnival spruiker and has some weird beliefs.
The bearded band of brothers is accompanied by about three or four permanently fecund womenfolk, who appear in handmade dowdiness reminiscent of the nineteenth century, along with about half a dozen overly energetic kids who appear to be insane with boredom. Which is not surprising given that The Twelve Tribes' "teachings instruct that children not play with toys, play imaginary or fantasy games, have candy, or watch television or movies".
When there is a stubborn child you should shorten the child's life. It limits the family.
- from "Training Up Our Children In The Way They Should Go" by the Twelve Tribes.
No one has called the Department of Community Services yet, as they tend to keep to themselves - except when doing some kind of passive-aggressive good deed, which always seems to be in their interest. But this is not the case elesewhere, where their activities have drawn the attention of the authorities.
One of the cultists delivers papers for the local newsagent, while another helps the arsehole with the furniture store on the corner.* They make their quids by trucking around to festivals far and wide where they dispense wholesome food for a fee and, according to their website, they live off the proceeds from two other communities, including one in Picton, where income is generated from plumbing, building and running the 'Common Ground Cafe' at festivals around the place. So, while they reject the licentiousness of popular culture, they are more than happy to make a quid out of it.
They shared the building with a Chilean upholsterer called Raoul and a Thai restaurant. They 'did up' Raoul's upholstery business preises (a garage) and then promptly evicted him. They're in the process of turfing out the popular Thai restaurant as well.
On top of all this they've been doing up the building, which in and of itself sounds like a good thing - until you have an angle grinder starting up at 7am on a Saturday morning.
They've been threatening to 'open' their organic cafe for about three years, but their always seems to be some bit of work that needs to be done that stymies their ability to 'open'. A lot like those people that build seagoing boats in the backyard - the whole project appears to never be meant for completion, with the constant building being reason enough for existence.
Which, of course, is symptomatic of cults - keep the kids busy and they never get their head around how they're the butt of some narcissists weird joke.
All of their activities, from evicting the infidels to the ever present home-handyman-for-Jesus routine, is accompanied by the passive-aggressive smug superior air associated with your usual cult-like activity.
They pepper this with a lot of pseudo-biblical tosh, claiming to be the first real Christians (where have we heard that before) since the Apostles - with what we understand to be Christianity actually run by Satan (which will be news to Aaron Badderley) - along with some homey palaver parried around as a 'revelation' and being (yawn) God's Chosen People, all underpinned by the usual 'get out of jail free card' gibber that passes as playing on your average human's fear of death. They all want to go to heaven, but they don't want to die.
But what really exposes these people for the cant that they are is the hypocrisy of their brotherly love - which, of course, doesn't extend to loving unbelieving brothers (ask Raoul) or even members of their own flock. Like every other manifestation of religion there are haves and have-nots, rulers and ruled, bosses and slaves - and the Golden Rule applies, those with the gold, rule - controlling the lives of the cult's footsoldiers, who end up doing all the dirty work. It's laizzes faire capitalism with a beard.
As my live-in Legal Counsel says, "it sounds like typical religious dribble", and he's right.
So, if you're out at a festival and you see the Common Ground Cafe, just remember they think their urine is nice and clean.
Enjoy the coffee.
* This bottom feeder unilaterally turned off my neighbours power supply a while back in some weird attempt to avoid a power bill, then refused the electrician access to turn it back on again, complained about the car parking arrangements and has generally managed to give everyone the shits in a five kilometre radius.
There's a lot of buzz at the moment with Common Ground opening up after so long. Interesting to read your take on the group's background.
Yep, they're well and truly open now, and the new cafe has been immensely popular since the very day they opened.
This is a bit weird, seeing as Katoomba's got about a million OTHER cafes; opening a new one here should be an express ticket to bankruptcy, certainly not a guarantee of full houses every day.
The cult-caff does LOOK very nice, though, and it's the first one you get to if you walk up the street from the YMCA. Perhaps that's got something to do with it.
Or perhaps there are cult sex slaves doling out oral gratification in the back room to anybody who spends more than $30.
Don't ask me. Not even that would impel me to set foot on the premises.
I love the Common Ground Cafe. The food is tasty, and they aren;t doing it for profit. The food is very cheap. And the cafe looks AMAZING! Don't be so judgemental and hateful. They don't do anything to hurt you, so who cares how they want to live their life? Don't you have anything better to do with your than bitch about them?
Yes, my boyfriend/anonymous is probably right. But I still think you spend all day on here trying to make your blogs sound intelligent, WHILE eating Mi Goreng and masturbating. Who said men can't multitask? Look, I admit, they might have some weird religious views, ones you and I think are ridiculous, but then again, what religious group doesn't? I don't see why you put so much time into attacking them. I mean, it's taken only a few minutes of my life to attack you :) I hate to think how long you spent on this blog.
Okay now I sorta feel bad for being mean to you (even though you probably don't give a shit what I've said and you're probably just laughing at my 'stupidity'). Sorry. But don't be so mean to the tribe!!
Helen says.. I have just read an article about them in the Sydney Morning Herald and I am horrified, and angry. I have four Beautiful Daughters and I abhore physical punishment, especially of children, and they seem very fond of beating children, which makes me instantly angry.Read the article Kathleen and see if you still want to eat their apparently delicious, cheap wholesome food. I am warning my teenage kids, and will never eat there. I hope that they close and move.Supporting them supports what they do. Do you support child abuse?Do you support people who destroy marriages? This is a cult, these people are not as wholesome as their food suggests. Please support real Love and Freedom and don't eat their food.
I havent and wont be eating there....
I would much rather support a business that employs our children and community members, christ they dont even pay tax or their own workers
And Some people still think this Cult is Benevolent?
And i have had spirited arguments......"they are so happy though and the food is cheap"
of course they look happy their brainwashed and the food is cheap cause no one gets paid....
except the "elders" and the jet-setting millionaire Mr Spriggs.....
My sister is in that very group -- they are truly horrible. I laughed out loud reading the description of them but it's heartbreaking when it's your nieces and nephews being abused. We've tried to get them out to no avail.
Anonymous/Kathleen: if you're interested, read "Cult Mind Control" by Steve Hassan and you'll understand so much more of what's beneath the comical/annoying surface in terms of human sadness. The book is fascinating and it's well worth the time in terms of understanding cults...
Wow, the cult hysteria never stops, does it?
If you really want to know the truth...the real danger to innocent people is found in people who should know better, believing lies about good people.
This is where this kind of mis-information leads...please read it and think about it:
Interesting -- I guess a cult member posted this link to their website in order to persuade readers that they're not a cult, but reading that story convinces me of the exact opposite... also, what "hysteria," I wonder... I see no hysteria here whatsoever; the above poster's defensiveness is very telling.
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